Namco All-Stars Pac-Man

Namco All-Stars Pac-Man

Image Namco All-Stars Pac-Man
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Total votes: 0 votes
  • Developer:

    Namco Bandai Games

  • OS:

    Windows XP

  • License:


  • Updated:

    January 31, 2022

  • "The original pacman retaining its appearance"

Namco All-Stars is an amazing new version of PacMan. The comecocos of all the life that in this occasion is revised by the original creator. It is not a copy of the copy but a new official version so to speak, this new version takes advantage of new technologies but its aesthetics, operation and graphics are totally eighties

It's a game that you won't tire of playing and that will bring you headlong until you can pass the 256 different levels it has. It also includes fun animations between levels that seem to come with a time machine to your computer.

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